Wednesday, 27 December 2006

New Year Message from David Cameron

(Above) David Cameron in Coventry

It has been a busy year.

Since I became leader of the Conservative Party, we have been mapping a new direction for this country, based on the principle of social responsibility.

Be it in protecting our environment, tackling crime or improving our public services, social responsibility means realising we are all in this together. That is individuals, parents, local communities and businesses all have a vital part to play. But I know that government has important responsibility too.

That is why, in recent weeks, we have been setting out our plans in three crucial areas. In education, we have pledged to put the basics back into schooling, so that every child grows up knowing how to read, write and count properly.

On the issue of social justice, we have made clear that we believe family breakdown lies at the heart of this country’s most pressing problems. That is why I have said that there is a simple test for each one of my policies: does it make families stronger? And we have been looking at how we can make our country safer from terrorism by appointing a dedicated security minister.

Over the next year, you will see a lot more about exactly how we are going to change this country for the better in other areas such as the NHS, our local communities and the environment.For the holiday period, though, I am hoping to get a few days break with my family. I hope the same is true for you, and that all of you have a great Christmas and New Year.